Sunday, February 14, 2016

Google pt. 1

Googling a question is an interesting concept. I went to Google and typed in ‘why millennials’  without submitting, and top suggestions were listed below:
Why millennials are getting fired
Why millennials keep dumping you
Why millennials can’t grow up
Why millennials are leaving church
Why millennials will never be happy
Why millennials will save us all

Judging from the top suggestions, it seems like people have really been trying to wrap their heads around millennials.

So, I click the first suggestion, “why millennials are getting fired.” The top result was an article titled, “3 Reasons Millennials Are Getting Fired” by J.T. O’Donnell.

The article was published in August 2015, and ranted about how employers don’t want to be parents for millennials, how they can’t stand and/or tolerate their anti-work attitude, and how their happiness isn’t the employer’s responsibility.  If you ask me, it sounded like a lot of hostility and generalizations. She explained that millennials have been coached their entire lives, so they expect their employers to coach them too.

Every job I have ever taken, I have gone out of my way to teach myself the necessary skills to understand how to accomplish it—and if I am unable to figure it out, I GOOGLE it.
My mom always cooked for me when I was growing up, and I had no desire to learn how to cook. My parents were nervous when I moved out because they thought I would starve to death not knowing how to cook. I had no desire to learn how to cook, because I was never in a situation where I needed to know how to cook. When I moved out, I started out with microwave meals and slowly leaned how to make healthier meals. I came home over break, and cooked for my parents and they were shocked. “Lindsey, how did you learn how to make this?” “Pinterest.”

I went from hardly knowing how to boil water to cooking avocado stuffed paleo burgers.
Thank you, Pinterest.

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